Foreclosure Investing

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Make Money with Foreclosure Investing

Foreclosure investing is a great way to make money with a smaller initial investment, because when you buy foreclosure properties you are buying repossessed homes that are being sold at below market value. While you have to pay full price to invest in stocks, bonds and most other investments, with distressed properties you enjoy instant savings.

Why Investors Love Foreclosures

Investors Foreclosure

Savvy investors love investing in foreclosures because investing in this way means enjoying instant equity. If an investor buys a foreclosure priced at 20% below market value, for example, that 20% is instantly available as equity that can be used as collateral. The investor can even flip the property instantly, marking up the price less than 20% for instant profits. Some of the best-known real estate investors in this country have built their empires with foreclosures.

Foreclosures are an amazing opportunity because they are repossessed real estate. The previous owner of a foreclosure defaulted on their mortgage and this allows the lender to repossess the property in order to try to recoup the money lost on the loan. The property will be put up for sale at a foreclosure auction that is open to the public. If the property is not sold through an auction, the lender will try to sell the property at a discount themselves. In the event that the defaulted loan was insured by a government entity, a government agency will try to sell the property through an approved real estate agent. At each stage of the process, it is possible to buy the property at a deep discount.

Avoiding Foreclosure Risks

Foreclosure Investing

There are risks with any type of investment, and real estate investing has its own unique risks as well. The exciting thing is that there are many ways for even the new investor to minimize these risks substantially. Just learning about the foreclosure process and real estate investing can help you avoid many of the pitfalls.

If you are ready to learn more about foreclosure investing and are ready to see just how much you can save with foreclosures, start your 7-day trial and try our listings at Our listings are detailed and updated each day so that you always have accurate and reliable information at your fingertips. Plus, our resources can help you understand what steps you need to take to investing success.

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